
Welcome to Magnificent Being, the blog for people who are living their highest potential by creating a soulful life and a soulful world.


If your intention is to speak the truths that are aching to be expressed through you,
to water the seed of peace with your truth
and warm the seed of peace with your love.
If you long with all your heart to be whole
to heal the cracks in the fractured mirror
to become one cell in the body of light that is spreading around the world.
If you’ll carry your torch of justice to the hills and valleys and mountains –
we are of One Heart
and I will stand by you.
Look to the person to your right and you will find me,
look to the person to your left, I am there too.
Look within and know that I AM.

I am the One Heart beating,
the sounding of the drum calling the tribe.
Follow the path of gold across the water
hongi with the moon
keep walking into her aura
deeper and deeper, trusting and surrendering.
Take the next step for humanity,
let the first act of a new story unfold.

Imagine all over the world at this moment people are waking up,

feeling good about themselves, celebrating life, enjoying each other.
Imagine all personal dramas dropping away, leaving a clear space
in which we can feel, hear, touch each other.
Imagine that life is a creative adventure and we are stars spread out across an infinite sky…
Millions of us, flowing in a wide river of light, winking back at the Milky Way.

And the Moon sang “Welcome home!
Pull your canoe up the shore to the wharenui,
we have a place for you to stand tall,
a safe place to voice your love and passion,
a place where you can see the full scope of your vision,
Welcome, welcome home!

And I sang back to the Moon
Te Aroha
Te Whakapono,
Te re Rangimarie
Tatou Tatou e
Love, Trust, Peace unite us.

by Rose Diamond from Migration to the Heartland : A Soul Journey in Aotearoa

Photo: Polar Crescent Moon, photographer unknown